Privacy Statement

Recording your visit

When you look at this web site, we make a record of your visit and log the following information for statistical purposes:

  • Your server address.
  • Your top level domain name (for example .com, .gov, .au, .uk etc). 
  • The date and time of your visit to the site. 
  • The pages you accessed and documents downloaded. 
  • The previous site you visited. 
  • The type of browser you used.

No attempt will be made to identify individual users or their browsing activities except, in the unlikely event of an investigation, where a law enforcement agency may exercise a warrant to inspect the logs.  Some sites use “cookies” to track a particular user’s access to a site.  Cookies are not used on this site to gather personal information about users except when they are used within a specific web-based application for session management purposes.

Recording your email address

We will only record your email address and details that you submit to us. It will only be used for the purpose for which you have provided it. We will not use your e-mail address for any other purpose, and will not disclose it, without your consent.

Collecting personal information

From time to time we will use electronic forms on this site to gather personal information for purposes directly related to a function or activity of this site.

Personal information collected from you is held and used under the provisions of the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998. Under the Act you have the right to be informed:

  • when personal information is being collected
  • the name and address of the agency holding the information
  • the purposes for which it will be used
  • who we may disclose personal information to
  • whether provision of personal information by you is mandatory or voluntary and the effects of not providing it; and
  • that you have a right under the Act to apply to access your information or have it corrected.

You may take the following steps if you are concerned about the possible disclosure of your personal information:

  • inform us that the information your are providing is confidential and that it is not in the public interest for members of the public to be able to inspect it
  • apply to have your address suppressed form records which are made available for public inspection if there is a risk to your safety or the safety of a member of your family
  • apply to have personal information on any public register suppressed if these is a risk to the safety or well-being of any person

We will not collect or solicit personal information via this site which would be unlawful, unnecessary or unrelated to the functions or activities of the site, or unfair or unreasonably intrusive.

For more information about your privacy rights contact Privacy New South Wales on (02) 9268 5584.

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